Benim C# IList Kullanımı Başlarken Çalışmak

Benim C# IList Kullanımı Başlarken Çalışmak

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It's always best to use the lowest base type possible. This gives the implementer of your interface, or consumer of your method, the opportunity to use whatever they like behind the scenes.

Same principle bey before, reversed. Offer the bare asgari that your caller requires. If the caller only requires the ability to enumerate the sequence, only give them an IEnumerable.

Interface’ler için henüz bir araba bilgelik peyda etmek isterseniz, süflidaki kaynaklara basar atabilirsiniz:

Bearing this in mind, it makes most sense to pass types with the least number of external dependencies possible and to return the same. However, this could be different depending on the visibility of your methods and their signatures.

Bentlı listeler, etkin muta mimarilarıdır. Bu sayede araya eleman ekleme, silme gibi davranışlemler daha kolaylık bir şekilde yapılabilir. Bu hatmızda ilgilı listelerin detaylarından bahsedeceğiz.

then, say, if you had an array and wished to print their type names to the console, you would first have to create a new List and fill it with your types.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string Ad get return ad; grup ad = value; public string Soyad get return soyad; set soyad C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız = value;

3 @phoog: Considering where Eric is coming from, it wouldn't be surprising he is more cautious about breaking changes. But it is definitely a valid point.

but my sorun is that C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor i am not understanding what is its use and when to use it . So i hope that anyone gönül help me . Thanks C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız .

tranmqtranmq 15.5k33 gold badges3232 silver badges2727 bronze badges C# IList Kullanımı 6 But in this case I birey't bind my collection to DataGridView rather I have to expose the _list member in MyCollection.

IList.IsFixedSize değerinin çakılı bir boyuta iye olup olmadığını IList tamlayan bir ayar hileır.

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Unless you have a very compelling reason to do so, your best bet will be to inherit from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection since it has everything you need.

IEnumerable allows you to iterate through a collection. ICollection builds on this and also allows for adding and removing items. IList also allows for accessing and modifying them at a specific index. By exposing the one that you expect your consumer to work with, you are free to change your implementation. List happens to implement all three of those interfaces. If you expose your property bey a List or even an C# IList Nedir IList when all you want your consumer to have is the ability to iterate through the collection. Then they could come to depend on the fact that they dirilik modify the list.

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